fredag 16. september 2011

Kva konstituerer ein interessant religion?

Ein av dei verkeleg artige teologane er Stanley Hauerwas (som også tidlegare har fått sleppe til på bloggen). I mursteinen The Hauerwas Reader finn vi ein fabelaktig definisjon på kva som konstituerer ein interessant religion.  Hauerwas har rett nok definisjonen frå ein jødisk kollega, men finn også rom for kristendomen i han.
"I had a colleague at the University of Notre Dame who taught Judaica. He was Jewish and always said that any religion that does not tell you what to do with your genitals and pots and pans cannot be interesting. That is exactly true. In the church we tell you what you can and cannot do with your genitals. They are not your own. They are not private. That means that you cannot commit adultery. If you do, you are no longer a member of "us." Of course pots and pans are equally important…"
 Henta frå "Abortion, Theologicaly Understood" i The Hauerwas Reader, Side 609

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