I boka The Shock Doctrine skildrar Naomi Klein det som skjedde med Victor Jara etter kuppet slik:
In Santiago, the legendary left-wing folk singer Victor Jara was among those taken to the Chile Stadium. His treatment was the embodiment of the furious determination to silence a culture. First the soldiers broke both his hands so he could not play the guitar. The shot him forty-four times, according to Chile's truth and reconciliation commision. To make sure he could not inspire from beyond the grave, the regime ordered his master recordings destroyed.Samstundes vart fleire andre opposisjonelle kunstnarar drepne, felgsla eller måtte røme landet. Militærregimet freista å drepe ei kulturell rørsle saman med Victor Jara.
Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine. The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, 2007. Side 105.
Ein annan venstrevridd visasongar eg har stor sansen for er Phil Ochs. Ochs skrev ei rekkje flotte antikrigsviser, og hadde både gode tekstar og meloditeft. Grunnen til at eg nemnar han her, er ein episode Joan Jara, Victor si kone, fortel om i hennar biografi om sin ektemann Victor: An Unfinished Song. Der fortel ho at leiinga i ei gruve i Chile i 1973 gjekk ut i streik. Arbeidarane i gruva, støtta av mellom anna studentar og lærarar ved det tekniske universitetet i Santiago; universitetet der Jara jobba, fortsette arbeidet for å halde oppe kopparproduksjonen som var viktig for økonomien til landet. Joan fortel at ho køyrde ektemannen sin til universitetet for å ta buss derfrå til gruva.
As we waited for it [Bussen] to fill up with students, I got into conversation with two hippy-looking gringos with a guitar, who were sitting on the campus steps. They told me they wanted to go to the mine to show their support for the miners and maybe sing a few songs to tell them that many Americans condemned the politics of the US government.Tenk å få høyre Victor Jara syngje saman med Phil Ochs!
Apparently the Chilean students didn't trust them and hadn't given them permission to get on the bus. As the conversation progressed, they introduced themselves as Phil Ochs and Jerry Rubin. I took them over to where Victor was deep in conversation with the organisers of the expedition and he intervened to allow them to go with the group. The spent all day with Victor, going into the mine with him. They heard him singing and talkin to the miners and were impressed with his easy relationship with them and how much they appreciated his songs. Victor gave them a chance to speak and to sing a few songs, translating for them, and then all together they sang Pete Seeger's «If I had a hammer». The three of them had such a good time together that in the evening, when they reached Santiago, Victor took them to the Peña, where they were warmly recived.
Joan Jara, Victor: An Unfinished Song, 1983/98. Side 205-206
Jara er død, men Pinochet og hans regime klarte ikkje å drepe musikken hans. Den finn ein framleis, til og med på YouTube. Eg fann «El Cigaritto» som var på den første singelen Jara gav ut. Musikken er det Jara som har laga, medan han har plukka opp teksten frå ein populær poet på den chilenske landsbygda.
Biletet av Jara si grav er henta frå Wikimedia Commons.
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