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Det vesttyske postvesenet feira St. Frans med eit frimerke i 1982. Biletet er henta frå Wikimeida Commons. |
Eg har funne ein liturgi for ei slik gudsteneste frå det episkopale bispedømet i Vest-Texas, altså ein anglikansk liturgi vi lutheranarar bør kunne kjenne oss komfortable med. For at det ikkje skal verte for langt tar eg ut tekstlesingane. Liturgien er tilpassa frå «Animal Blessing Service», utgjeve av Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals, UK av Rev. D. Rebecca Deinsen for Episcopal Network for Animal Welfare, USA. Nederst kan ein sjå korleis ein gjer slike gudstenester i praksis. Filmen er frå Trinity Episcopal Church i Galveston, Texas.
Opening Sentence:
How many are your works O God! In wisdom you made them all.
-Psalm 104:24
Let us confess our sins to God:
Almighty God and Creator of all,You have chosen humankind for a position of special responsibility in your world;We have failed to respond in awe at Your wonders;We have misinterpreted our role of dominion and abused our power.We have caused the animal kingdom needless suffering.Forgive us as we seek anew the vision which You set before us,And as we strive to respond to Your call;Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Almighty God grant you forgiveness of your sins through our Lord Jesus Christ and the strength and grace to respond with love to all God’s creation.
O Lord, give us humility to thank You for the creation of animals, who can show affection which sometimes puts us to shame. Enlarge our respect for these your creatures, of whom we are the guardians. And give us a sense of responsibility towards all your creation, for Jesus Christ’s sake, Amen.
-A Prayer from Robert Runcie, 102nd Archbishop if Canterbury
First Lesson: Genesis 9:8-17Psalm: 104:1, 10-15, 25Second Lesson: Romans 8:18-25
Blessing of the Animals
(Animals to be blessed are brought forward in line and the following prayer may be used with or without holy water)Bless O God, this your creature, and all who are involved in its care and protection.
Blessing and dismissal
May God, the Creator of all that is, God the Redeemer of all Creation, and God the life giving Spirit, bless you all, now and forever. AMEN.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
Thanks be to God!
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